09 April 2011

Life with My Sister (to be continued...)

Ch. 14 Ghosts in the Forest

Kylie believes in ghosts, sometimes I make fun of her by saying: “The ghosts in the forest are coming to get people whose name starts with a letter K!” or “The ghosts in the forest are coming to eat little girls who have long hair” sometimes “The ghosts in the forest are going to eat girls who wears glasses” something like that. And I will make a frightened face and hide with Kylie. Sometimes when I see her expression she isn’t frightened at all and helps me finish the story. If Kylie really isn’t scared then it’ll not be fun for me at all. So I stopped and that was the end of the ghosts in the forest.

Ch. 15 James in the House

It was a disaster when James and Jude visited us. At first I felt left out. They all went into Kylie’s room. So I played by myself, but then I was utterly bored and we played the 3-legged race. Unfortunately I needed to pair with James, because Kylie insisted to pair up with Jude. I and James always won. Kylie and Julia always fell down; they didn’t balance quite well (to tell the truth they don’t even know how to balance!) So we continued the other game, called the animal chase. We all need to pretend to be an animal and needed to race to the end of the house. Jacky pretended to be a lion; Julia an antelope; Kylie a rabbit and me a cheetah, the fastest animal on the planet. We didn’t quite know who won; everything was a blur, but 1 thing for sure it will not be Kylie or Jude. They were as slow as turtles maybe snails! By that time, the people living beneath us were very annoyed. They even sent a security guard to say that they are annoyed*. Our helper was quite angry with that and only let us watch TV. After a while our parents came back… with the security guard with them. The security guard mumbled on about inconsideration. We were only watching TV! What is wrong with that! *actually they complained 2 times.

Ch. 16 A Computer Geek

One time, I let Kylie play the game “pinball”. I totally regretted that. Nowadays Kylie will beg me to let her play the game, I refused every time she asked me, so now she got over with it. I sure was glad! It was already hard enough to take care of her now, what will happen I take care of a computer geek! Oh god! This isn’t happening! Kylie has remembered pinball! Up is down! Left is right! Heaven is hell! All just because I said the word “ball”!

Life with My Sister (to be continued...)

Ch. 11 Kylie’s Friend Julia

Kylie has a friend called Julia. She is quiet and shy, and is like a little queen. She will cry if she wants something. But she quite likes me, I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because she has a nuisance of a brother. That brother is called Jacky, he crawls under the table to scare Julia, he threatens her by saying he is going to the Philippines……which he is not. He is a very rough boy, not suitable for babysitting a sister, but he has one. News! Bad news! Jacky has another baby to take care of! Unfortunately, it’s a boy. Hopeheisnotasbadasjacky*! *if you’re wondering why I’m typing nonsense? You’re wrong, I’m saying a prayer. If you want to know what I said. Figure it out yourself! Hint: just put spaces between words!

Ch. 12 Kylie isn’t cute

In North Point, there lives Kylie’s mother. Just kidding! There lives a cousin called Cherry who pretends to be Kylie’s mother. Every time we visit her she pretends she is her mother and pretends to cook food for her, pretends to go to school with her…… How can I bear it! Babysitting my sister is my job, and my sister is not a baby! Cherry sure treats her like it! It’s a relief that we don’t go there often. Kylie sure wants to go there; she enjoys being treated like a baby. Another reason I don’t like to go there is because no one can talk to me, all of them are girls. I don’t know why they treat her like a baby. But I have to admit that she is kind of adorable.

Ch. 13 Ice Servants

As I said, mum (the real one!) still had not improved. So now Kylie and I created a company called IMC, short for the “Ice Making Company”. We make 48 pieces of ice every time. And we make ice three times a day, so we make 144 pieces of ice a day, meaning 1008 a week! So it adds up to about 4320 a month! Making it about 52560 a year! But our dad complained about the ice and so on, and I think he’s right, because we used: 7 cups, a large container, 3 large boxes, 2 small containers and 1 snack box to contain all the ice. And so I made ice 2 times a day, making it 96 pieces of ice a day. 672 a week. About 2880 a month. To about 35040 a year*! We soon forgot about this and the company is closed. But then who is going to make the ice? Good question. Mum the champion of ice-eating herself*(I think she should go to the Guinness World Record!)! *I must be great at arithmetic to calculate that bunch of equations (to tell the truth I used the calculator!)! *was I too sarcastic?

Life with My Sister (to be continued...)

Ch. 8 Don’t say a word!

One time, I was talking to my friend next door, when suddenly my sister jumped in and showed him all her teddy bears. Even her Barbie dolls! That made my new friend very annoyed and he went back into the house. I even had some problems with my parents that didn’t make me quite happy. So I made my own house rules: 1. The helper will not kiss my sister more than 1 time a day. 2. Kylie will not distract me when I’m doing homework. 3. My mom will not eat more than 5 pieces of ice a day. 4. My dad will not shout at me more than 2 times a day. 5. My mom will not watch more than 2 hours of TV/computer a day. A month passed and my family still hasn’t changed yet! But it is still good that some of Kylie’s friends gave her a lot of toys, so now I can peacefully do my homework.

Ch. 9 The Eye Drop monster

Well, Kylie’s eyes aren’t quite good (because her eyelashes are pricking her eyes) so she needs to use the eyedropper. That's the first time, so she struggled all the way. We could only comfort her by using the eyedropper on ourselves. First dad used it, but it was no use. Then it was my turn, it tickled my eyes and I laughed out loud. That was a mistake, because she thought the eyedropper made me crazy. Then my mom tried it. By that time it was already half full. But it was no use, so I tried to calm her down. And she bumped onto me. So to make a long story short, I prefer to use this way: If Kylie’s eyes weren’t bad; if the doctor hadn’t given her an eyedropper; if we hadn’t made the eyedropper half full; if I hadn’t tried to calm her down, then I wouldn’t have hurt my eye. Then I wouldn’t have this story to tell. The next day, Kylie hadn’t struggled at all, I didn’t quite know. Maybe my father has magic powers.

Ch. 10 My Auntie’s Major problem

The only problem my helper has with Kylie is eating. Kylie eats very slowly. Sometimes she will eat more than 2 hours! My helper then bought stickers for Kylie, so when she eats fast, she’ll give it to Kylie. Sometimes I think, why waste money to buy presents for her, she is a big failure. But then I remember that she is my sister and I should be kind to her. I think I know why my helper is so strict about eating: because she lives in the Philippines and her family is starving. Sometimes our helper even threatens her by saying she is going. (This is a secret, don’t tell anyone)(Sometimes I do it to!)

Life with My Sister (to be continued...)

Ch. 5 An Unforgivable Punch that made me Santa

I had started to be angry at Kylie at some small problems and she started to hate me a little. One time I was so angry I hit her! My sister cried and my mom had me grounded for 2 weeks. I realized my problem and I was kind and helpful to her once again. She had another problem and I really didn’t know what to do. Kylie kept asking me to give her presents! I can’t believe that I had really started to give her presents! I realized my mistake and only gave her presents when she was good. But it took me 2 months! After 2 long months she started to tell lies! That was the most difficult problem she has. I need to tell her 10 times. “Is that the truth?” for her to tell the truth about something! But she soon got over with it, I don’t know how, but that is good because I don’t need to waste my breath.

Ch. 6 Is she crazy or what?

I thought that was the end of her problems, but no it wasn’t. This problem was the most disgusting problem by now. Kylie would not close the door when she is going to pee or change clothes! She even thought that it was funny that I make a disgusted face at her. So I changed and made an angry face at her when she does that. That cured her. I was glad.* *who wouldn’t!

Ch. 7 I can’t believe it’s a job

Now my mom hired me as Kylie’s tutor, the worst job ever. I‘d rather be a street cleaner! So I need to read Kylie books every night, teach her how to do her homework, feed her……so on and so forth. Once I started, anytime I groan or something, she will coo for me. I really don’t understand why she needs to coo me. Sometimes, she takes cares of me like I’m a baby! So all I can do is to not groan as hard as I can. I hope it is not another job from mom!

13 March 2011

Life with My Sister (to be continued...)

Ch. 2 The Ultimate Crier

After 6 long months, Kylie had another problem, crying all day and night. She’s a nonstop crier! Everyday I need to bear those unbearable cries. And do you know that I was always woken by those disgusting cries! I can’t bear it! If I don’t do something quick I’ll need to bear it for my whole life! Oh god! Please help me! I even begged my mom to buy me a set of earphones for that. Another 6 long months of those unbearable cries! Oh when is it going to stop! I just hope that she can cry less or at least in different tones: whimpering, bawling, weeping, howling etc. But she soon realized life was going to be tougher than that with me*, so she stopped crying so much. (You see that I underlined “so much” that doesn’t mean forever, just……not so often) *as I hate crying, sometimes I’m too savage!

Ch. 3 What kind of nickname is that?

When she was 3 there was another terrible problem, Kylie kept calling me “Ern”. Though this problem was easier to solve, it was not quite a good problem, if any of my friends hear that they will snigger and tell the whole world about it, and I will be doomed for the rest of my life. I know that anger will be no use, so I calmly asked her to stop. She didn’t. And soon I realized she just wanted to make me angry, so I stopped making angry faces. And she soon forgot about it. That was a relief; I don’t want the whole world to call me “Ern” (Actually my mom started all this, she always calls me “Ern”) Now I will tell you the worst news in this universe. The class has found out my personal secret: Ern. The reason? Sigh……it’s an embarrassing story. Well, our class went to field trip; we were supposed to bring our parents. I brought mine (I regretted that), and so the story begins…… It was time for the field trip, I brought my mum. It was a cold day. And my mum ruined my trip……here’s what she said: Mum: Come here and wear your coat “Ern”. She just broadcasted my nickname to the whole crowd! What in the world was she thinking! So now everyone calls me “Ern”, full stop. Happy now!

Ch. 4 Nobody has a problem forgetting to flush the toilet, is it true, or is it not?

Kylie was 4, and she started to forget to flush the toilet! When I started to tell my classmates that, they all stared at me and thought that I am crazy. I can’t think of a solution, so I started to flush for her! My mother stopped me and told Kylie her problem, and done. Mission accomplished! Is it my mom has powers, or Kylie only listens to mom?

Life with My Sister (to be continued...)

Introduction (for my sister)

Since my sister Kylie was born, I knew something was wrong with her. You see ……I have a sixth sense, I can see if the person is a friend or foe (I sound like some old castle knight or maybe like Robin Hood, I can’t decide). Also I can see what she or he is wrong about and good about. I too found out why people have birthmarks, but there are some I don’t understand. Let’s go back to talking about Kylie. Hey? Where was I? Oh yes! Something was wrong with Kylie. That’s the most difficult thing in my life I can’t understand.

Introduction (for myself)

I am a quiet boy most of my time. Though I am quiet, once I open my mouth, words come out like a waterfall. I look serious in person, but actually I am a very humorous boy. I show talent in art and English, but I am very bad at Chinese (that is the only reason I’m typing this in English). Even I think it is peculiar that I was born in China, I live in China and I am no good at Chinese! But now isn’t the time to figure out my problem, it is the time to figure out my sister’s problem. So…let’s get started!

Ch. 1 A Vain Thief for a Sister

It all started when Kylie was 2, she began to become vain. I had started to get angry, because Kylie started stealing my things. Ahhh……I remember that day, I was just starting to do my homework, but then I found out my favorite pencil was gone! Kylie had a peculiar expression on her face. I searched my room, not there. The living room, not there too. At that time, my doubts were all on Kylie. I went into her room and her pencil case was on the floor; I picked it up; opened it; and there it was! I couldn’t believe it! If I don’t put a stop to this, she may start to act like a thief (which I hate, they are sneaky, spooky……) I wanted to stop this from happening. I started by talking to Kylie, she didn’t listen. She just pretended to listen, and after that she ignored what I said, so I wasn’t quite happy about it. Then I started to shout, I just ended up having a little talk with my helper, and she will start babbling about how it is to not shout at Kylie, sometimes I argued with her. But she always won the battle. The last idea I had in my mind was to steal her things too, but it was a complete failure. She didn’t even realize that I had stolen her things. Then I started to steal her more important things, but Kylie always cried and my auntie would be angry at me and wouldn’t let me eat snacks, (which I can’t resist not to eat)*.

*I’m a little too greedy I think……

23 December 2008

Ship of Adventure

"Mrs Mannering has something in her mind that she wants to tell us," said Philip. "Let's go ask her!" said Jack. "Yeah!" said Lucy-Ann and Dinah together.

Mrs Mannering told them they were going on a ship. "Oh, yeah! Ship of adventure!" shouted Jack excitedly.

The next day Mrs Mannering, Jack, Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann and Kiki travelled on a ship.

They went on[to] a [an] island. Philip saw someone throwing stones at something. "If it's alive I'll hit them with my fist!" thought Philip. He went closer and closer to the thing that the children are throwing at. He saw it and said, "It's a baby monkey!"

Lucy-Ann met a friend called Lucian, and said, "Today is my brother Philip's birthday. I'll buy a ship in a bottle in it since we are in a ship adventure."

Philip was washing the monkey's fur and called him Mickey. While he was washing Mickey Lucy-Ann Jumped out from nowhere and shouted "Happy birthday Philip!"

That night Mickey broke the present and he groaned. He groaned. He told the other children and they groaned too. That day they met a new friend called Mr Eppy.

Jack accidently[accidentally] found a map in the ship that Mickey broke. They cut it into four pieces and showed one to Mr Eppy. Mr Eppy got [held onto] it a long time and gave it back by a big gull.

"Mr Eppy should have a good printout for himself, " Jack groaned angrily. But that day Mrs Mannering had to take care [of] someone so he took Bill to go with them. The children were so glad to meet Bill.

The children showed the whole map to Bill. And he asked one of the map detectives on the island to make it [into] English.

Bill let them into his boat and led them to the treasure island called Thamis.

Inside the map they saw a picture like this {reverse UU} and later on they knew it was a shape of a rock. They went inside and it was blocked.

They they saw a word that mean maze called labyrinth. They went inside and Kiki didn't like it much. So he standed [stood] outside with Jack and saw Mr Eppy.

The three children and Bill looked at the treasure... 1 December 2008